Omni RS19 Cartridge

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Part Number:WFOM-RS19

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The RS19 is a poly cartridge for OMNI's standard duty whole house systems. It has a larger micron size than cartridges RS1 and RS3, which makes it ideal for removing small rust and sediment particles from your water.
Change cartridge filter every 80,000 gal.
Change O-ring every other filter change.
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Model RS19
Filter type String Wound
Reduces: Rust & Sediment
Benefits The large micron size filters out sand, rust
and sediment particles.
Average Cartridge
80,000 gal
Flow Rate2 10 gpm
Micron Rating3 150

1 Usage and the quality of water in your incoming line determine when your cartridge should be changed.
2 Gallons per minute.
3 The smaller the micron, the finer the filtration.